Tommi Space


Almost every single portion of this website is a more or less organized collection of what I know and how I connect my knowledge. Nevertheless, it is useful to keep track in this page of some insightful resources that I would lose otherwise.


Managing knowledge, as well as picturing it, is a very complex, subjective and oversimplified matter. Productivity and effectiveness are the anthems with which the matter of personal and non-personal knowledge management end up being addressed with toxic capitalistic ineffective solutions. Some thoughts about this below.

!Knowledge management


On this website there is very little concerning what I study for university and my notes, that I am forced to keep private for copyright reasons. I spent a lot of time and efforts to develop, a website where I collected all of my university notes, but the PISE head professor made me take it down.


Where and how to learn about Computer Sciences topics and anything technology related.

Most of the things one could be looking for are very likely to be found in the AWESOME Project Awesome. I am not writing anything about the main sources cited in there.







Open Street Map






Costituzione italiana

È assurdo che io abbia una così scarsa conoscenza della Costituzione e delle leggi che governano il mio paese. Ho chiesto ad amici che studiano giurisprudenza di indicarmi dove e come posso cercare articoli in base a parole chiave o in base al contesto. Purtroppo lo stato italiano non offre un sistema ufficiale per cercare le informazioni e la digitalizzazione della Costituzione ha funzionalità estremamente limitate rispetto alle potenzialità che internet offrirebbe. In ogni caso, l’utilizzo di questi servizi diversi può essere molto utile


Free eBooks


!Data Sources
