Tommi Space


Cheat sheet

Change format and bitrate of an audio file

ffmpeg -i ~/in.m4a -ab 128k out.mp3

Add a background to a transparent PNG, add an audio file and put all of them in a video.

ffmpeg -i background.png -stream_loop 50 -i animation.png -filter_complex overlay -i voiceover.m4a -c:v libx264 -c:a copy out.mp4

Scale video or image by keeping the aspect ratio and choosing the width.

ffmpeg -i ~/desktop/ -vf scale=720:-1 ~/desktop/out.mp4

# multiple files at a time
for img in ~/desktop/pics/*.jpg; do ffmpeg -i '$img' -vf scale=1600:-1 '$img'; done;

both scaling and cropping a video

ffmpeg -i ~/desktop/ -vf 'scale=720:-1,crop=720:720:0:300' ~/desktop/out.mp4

improve encoding of a video using H.265

ffmpeg -i ~/desktop/in4k.mp4 -c:v libx265 -vf scale=1080:-1 ~/desktop/

Creating an animated GIF from images

ffmpeg -framerate 4 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' quotes.gif


-y	# overwrite output flags

Cheat sheets

