Tommi Space

🚧 Work in progress 🏗️

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Commencement Speech

As I watch Steve Job’s speech at Harvard in 2006, immediately after I finished watching Steve Jobs, the night before my Modern Sociology exam, I cannot help but wondering how would my Commencement speech would be, and how the fuck is it possible that gifted, unique, incomparably clever people get always to be the most capitalist. The ones who are widely remembered for achieving the greatest goals in the last few decades are people who somehow exploited capitalism in order to do or create something remarkable, a watershed legacy.

Nevertheless, it is not what torments my mind right now as much as it is the importance of underlining that it is ok to feel weak, it is ok not to be successful and determined, it is ok not to be restless and solely focused of achieving a life purpose.

+++ Modern Sociology Final Assignment of 2022.03.21
